So you’ve finally accumulated some dental scrap and now you’re looking for a way to sell you dental scrap for cash. We’re here to help! Cora Refining has set up a simple system that will show you on how to get your scrap safely to our refinery for a quick payment. Here’s your 3-step guide to get paid for your dental scrap.
Step 1
Contact us by phone 800-844-2040 or through the website to request a shipping container for your dental scrap. Or go on our website, and click on the Shipping Container tab.

Choose the container that best fits your needs. Not sure which one will work best for you? Here are some quick guidelines:
For under 8 oz of crown and bridge, ingots, or other small dental material – use a padded envelope. Best choice for most dental students.

For 8oz – 16oz of crown and bridge, ingots, or other small dental material – use a mini jar. Also consider the mini jar if you will be slowly accumulating dental scrap – it stores nicely. Best choice for most dentists.

1 – 2 lbs. of small dental materials are best suited for our small canister. This works best for small quantities of grindings as well as small dental solids. Best choice for small labs.

2 –8 lbs of small dental scrap would fit best in a large canister. This is ideal for larger amounts of grindings as well as jewelry and other dental solids.

10 – 40 lbs of scrap are perfect for our hat box. This container can hold grindings, sweeps, and filter bags as well as solids.

40 – 100 lbs of dental material including large quantities of grindings, floor sweeps, vacuum bags and miscellaneous materials are well suited for our standard drum.

Cutting up a carpet from your lab? Be sure to request a carpet drum and send it in for refining. Frequently, there is metal embedded in the fibers that can be reclaimed. The carpet drum is also good for very large filters.

Step 2
When you receive your shipping container, you’re ready to fill it. Each container arrives with a pre-addressed shipping label already on it. All you need to do is to fill the bag/jar/drum with your scrap and fill out a scrap receipt.
Here’s how to fill out your scrap receipt:
Fill out your contact information. If you are a student or a dental office, just skip the line for “Name of Lab”. Please write clearly. This is the most important part of the receipt – this is how we will get in touch with you and where we will send your check.

Scrap Description: This section tells our receivers what to look for when your scrap arrives here. We want to make sure that we receive everything that you said was in the container. If there are any discrepancies between what the description says and what we find, we will call you before we proceed.

Method of Payment: The majority of our clients take payment by check; however some prefer partial payment in maple leafs (usually for investment purposes). Checking off the other box would be for other types of coins (please call your Cora Rep to discuss your options).

Name of your Cora Representative (optional): If you have someone you regularly work with, feel free to put it down here, but it’s not necessary.

Notes/Comments: Yes, we read these. If you have any special requests – for example, if you’re going on vacation soon, or you’ll be moving, etc. Anything that you feel is important for us to know, please write it here.
So now your scrap receipt is all set (remember to keep the white copy for yourself). Put your scrap receipt into the container with your dental scrap. You’re ready to ship.
Step 3
Most of our shipping is with FedEx®. Your shipment is fully insured.
Look at your label and make sure it is a FedEx® label.

There are three options for sending in your dental scrap:
You can call us at 800-844-2040 and request a FedEx® pickup. Please note, we will need a 3-4 hour window where someone will be at the office/lab to give the package to the driver.
You can go to our website and click on the tab FedEx® pickup. Enter your information, and we will take care of the rest.
Finally, you can go to a FedEx® dropbox. Not sure where there’s one by you? FedEx® will help you find the one closest to you.
If your label is for the Postal Service (this is only for very small shipments such as one crown), it’s even easier. Just drop it in the mailbox.
You’re done! Easy, right?
Now you get to sit back and relax. We will call you when your dental scrap arrives at our location. You will get another call from us when the assay is complete. We will let you know the amount and double check the payment method and your address to ensure that all of the information is correct.
How long will it take to refine the dental material?
Although each lot is different, we can give you some general timeframes.
If you sent:
- Crown and Bridge, Buttons, Jewelry, etc. – 7 business days
- Grindings and Filings – 7 – 10 business days
- Up to 25 days for carpets
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