At Cora Refining we believe successful refining is defined by providing a simple process, accuracy and honesty. The following techniques highlight how we maintain our position as leaders in the precious metal, dental refining industry.


Guaranteeing accurate returns as opposed to promising the fastest payouts:

How can all companies offer the highest return amount? To put this simply, it is not possible. The return amounts are dictated by company size and structure, current market price of the metals, and refining fees; all of which will vary by company.

The majority of companies offering overnight or on-the-spot payment are giving you an estimate, with results that can vary widely. We have seen cases where individuals received 35-40% more when they sent their materials in for an accurate assay.

Sell Dental Scrap for Cash


Take the Cora Challenge:

Test out your refiner to make sure you are getting the best returns possible. Send one lot to Cora and compare the results to your current refiner. (*Please note: to make this comparison, make sure to keep good records and compare lots of equal content). If Cora’s results are greater than 5-10%, you may want to consider a change. If Cora’s results are less than 5%, then you know you are getting a fair deal with your current refiner.

Cora Refining - Dental Refining Company


Eliminating the middleman:

In order to reduce overhead and maintain the highest level of security, we perform all processes in-house.
Choosing our refining services allows you to deal directly with the source, guaranteeing better pricing and reducing the hassle. We believe cutting out the middleman and going straight to the source, streamlines the process, and provides clients with a much more satisfying return.


Proven refining techniques and focused specialties:

We understand, as dental scrap alloys continue to grow in complexity, we must adapt our refining methods to properly measure results. We are a focused refining company, specializing in dental scrap metals.

Our knowledge of the industry and materials being refined helps us in identifying the most appropriate techniques; every situation is different, requiring thorough examination of the lot to achieve the highest return accuracy.

For example, we may use x-ray fluorescence (XRF) on solids and fire assay for grindings and sweeps.

Technician in a dental lab working at a drilling or milling machine


Honesty & accuracy always prevails:

Trust is especially vital when it pertains to selling dental scrap for cash. We provide a simple, clear assay report that gives a precise breakdown of the precious metal content. This year marks our 40th year of providing high quality refining services for the dental industry. Our longevity within the industry can be attributed to our focus on providing consistent returns with honesty and integrity. If you have never sent your dental scrap to us, we encourage you to give us a try.


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