tooth with crown

What Are Dental Crowns Made of and Why Are They Valuable?

In the age of modern dentistry, dental crowns are an invaluable tool. As a solution for both repairing fractured teeth and augmenting the function of other prosthetics, dental crowns can be extremely beneficial. While the effectiveness and durability of dental crowns depends on individual  ...Read More

dentist schedule

3 Step Guide to Ensure Patients Keep their Appointments

All successful businesses thrive on focused organizational strategies. As a dental gold refinery, our business is no different. Our structured price schedules give clients the information they need to understand how we determine our prices. Similarly, our variety of shipping containers give dental practices  ...Read More

7 Reasons You Should Sell to an Online Dental Refiner

For dental labs and dental practices, selling your dental scrap to a refiner is a no-brainer. But, there are so many options these days. The cash for gold shop down the street, the refinery salesman, and the large gold refinery are all appealing. However,  ...Read More

industrial aluminum

Why Isn’t Aluminum Considered a Precious Metal?

At Cora Refining, we consider it a priority to learn as much as possible about precious metals. Staying updated on trends, new technology and best practices helps us to maximize our clients’ return for each precious metal sample. Beyond new industry developments, understanding the  ...Read More

tooth myth concept

The Top 4 Myths About Dental Scrap Refining

As refiners for the dental industry for over 40 years, we’ve heard a lot of feedback about the refining industry – some good, some not so good. Many people have had the good fortune of finding a refiner that provides them with consistent, accurate  ...Read More

History of Gold in Dental Work

Largely considered the crown jewel of precious metals, gold has quite a reputation of excellence. For many involved in the dental refining or dental industries, it can be difficult to separate the concept of gold from its industry uses. Gold has played an invaluable  ...Read More